Soon after shipping the car to Japan the best was yet to come. There were many more or less serious inquiries for a SCORCHER from Wolfsburg to Qatar. I always said that I would do a maximum number of 3 complete cars and an extra body if there was request. Building a Baja to our quality standards is often underestimated and that is why it is not suprising that the euphoria of the most people inqiring came to a sudden stop when there had been a conversation about the costs of the built!

One day after business hours the phone rang without stop. I finally picked it up and on the other side somebody introcuced himself as: "I´m the biggest RC model car collector in the world!". During the following conversation it became clear, that my counterpart was serious!
He said: "I want to open a RC model car museum and need an eye catcher for the entrance hall! What do you prefer to build? A second Scorcher or a Wild Willy?"

BOTH!!! I already have the Willy and I´m sure to find a base car for a Scorcher in the near future!
Sometimes there must be somebody up there watching us with a big smile on his face...!
Rock´n Roll!